Resets the Sim with neutral motives, no moodlets, and teleports Sim back home. Examples of locked lots are tombs, ports, and diving areas. Allows the player to lock / unlock a lot to enable editing from the Edit Town mode. Requires testingCheatsEnabled cheat enabled. All properties with a mark of public spaces (Normally, lobbies and entrance halls) to the construction and purchase mode to edit.

Shows or hides talk/thought balloons and the plumbob above Sim heads. Lets the player give Sims some options to pose. Moviemakercheatsenabled true/false (must have testingcheats enabled).Toggles whether objects fade when the camera gets close to them. Turns the frame rate display in the upper right corner on or off.

Toggles between full-screen and windowed mode. Prints a random, weird, and corny joke in the console. Turns on/off the llamas: joke notifications that appear on the top-right corner.

Lists most of the available commands at the moment (advanced cheats are also displayed with testingcheatsenabled true).ĭisplays specific information about the cheat.